Photo Restoration for Duckworth’s

duckworth-blogI was over at Duckworth’s Design Center working on a project for owner Charles Duckworth. Charles has me do a lot of reproduction work for him. I photographed this image, then took it to the office and worked on it in photoshop. Believe it or not, there is about an hour of photo restoration done on this image. The background was heavily damaged and the sharpness was gone from the photo. If your like most people, you have photos like this at your home, and the best thing you can do is get them restored before they further deteriotate. And also remember to add very carefully who the people are, remember to ask your grandparents. Many times we get so busy we forget who are great grandparents were, that is a shame. So if you have photos and you want them restored come see me. I do a great job at an affordable price!

Augusta Photographer Sally Kolar