Wheeler Road YMCA T-Ball Photos

Hey Everybody, We had a great day today at the Wilson YMCA on Wheeler Road photographing all of your t-ball teams for the Marshall and Wilson YMCA.

The picture taken was stopped for just a second when one of the kids found a baby bird on the field. Wow, it was so sweet and the kids were so gentle with it, after this photo they put it back in the nest! I’m sure that made the momma bird very happy!

Summer has definetly arrived, because it felt like it was over a 100 on the field. You know it’s hot when you look over at your car, and there are twenty five kids thankful that your car provides so much shade and they can sit in it. So now that you are all back home in air conditioning looking at photos, I hope you all love them, your kids are adorable! Remember,  to find your pictures on the website, go to the header and double click “Your Event” then look for Wheeler Road YMCA photos, thanks again for a great day. Sally