Fort Gordon Marine 238th Brigade Birthday Military Ball


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Hey Everybody, we were hired to photograph Fort Gordon’s Marine 238th Brigade Birthday Ball at the Doubletree Hotel in Augusta, Georgia last night. Everyone was dressed so beautifully, and some of the gowns the woman wore were so beautiful. In the opening ceremonies of the Ball, the Brigade carried in a Birthday Cake and read this proclamation, it was beautiful.

On November 10, 1775, a Corps of Marines was created by a resolution of the Continental Congress. Since that date, many thousand men have borne the name Marine. In memory of them, it is fitting that we, who are Marines, should commemorate the Birthday of our Corps by calling to mind the glories of its long and illustrious history.

The record of our Corps is one which will bear comparison with that of the most famous military organizations in the world’s history. During 90 of the 146 years of its existence the Marine Corps have been in action against the nations foes. From the battle of Trenton to the Argonne, Marines have won foremost honors in war, and in the long eras of tranquility at home. Generation after generation of Marines has grown gray in war in both hemispheres and in every corner of the seven seas that our country and its citizens might enjoy peace and security.

In every battle and skirmish since the birth of our Corps Marines have acquitted themselves with the greatest distinction, winning new honors on each occasion until the term Marine has come to signify all that is highest in military efficiency and soldierly virtue.

This high name of distinction and soldierly repute we who are Marines today have received from those who preceded us in the Corps. With it we also received from them the eternal spirit which has animated our Corps from generation to generation and has been the distinguishing mark of the Marines tin every age. So long as that spirit continues to flourish Marines will be found equal to every emergency in the future as they have been in the past, and the men of our nation will regard us as worthy successors to the long line of illustrious men who have served as “Soldiers of the Sea” since the founding  of the Corps.

Then the Marines cut the cake.  It is customary at Marine Corps birthday celebration to do this very ceremonially and with everyone watching.  The first piece of cake was given to the guest of honor, The second piece of cake was given to the oldest Marine present and upon receiving the second piece of cake, the oldest Marine  turned and passed  it on to signifying the passing of experience and knowledge from the old to the young of the Corps to the youngest Marine,

Happy Birthday to the 238th Marine Brigade!