Hey Everybody, we have been busy! A week and a half ago we photographed for Meybohm Realtors and did new headshots everyone. And then on Monday we teamed up with Reflecting Pool Productions-Mark Crump and Brett Smith and filmed a commercial plus did still shots of their subdivision Bridle Creek over in Aiken! WE have alot more events coming up with them and thank them for choosing us for some of these projects. We love working with them! These are the realtors and the Meybohm staff that we photographed: Linda Limehouse, Deborah Funches, Tara Hill, Mike Hill, Rebecca Gutierrez, Laurie Lein, Christine Brawner, Barbara Dubois, Dickie Boardman, Jenny Samuelson, Diane Lopardo, Rebecca Chase, Teresa Stonehill, Jeanine Leonard, Stephen Barnhart, Karen Abdelhadi, Sally Weathers, Kay Rennison, Amy Taylor, Lewis Lawrence, Linda Diebel, Mary Bryans, Mark Pritchett, Heather Ferrante, Rebecca Wall, Kelly Wiedmeier, Bill Fulcher, John Chambers, Anita Mullenix, Andy Higgins, Greg HoneyMichael, Marcey Marc, Bobby Meybohm, Lili Youngblood, Tammy Theis, Kathy Huskey, Cindy Starnes, Ruth Thomas, Mary Pate, John Corda, Megan Moye, Mike Polotty, Judy Johsnon, Tonya Armstrong, Robert Dixon, Jackie Andrews, Rebecca Swartmiller, Doreen McLafferty, Shelly Hughey, Dale Testino, Laura Frantz, Nick Greene, Jimmie Stevens, Jamie George, Donna Barbour, Kelly Ireland, Anthony Sheppard, Reachel Whitaker, Todd Barnes, Gayla Moore, Leila Hebert, Alysaun Buffett, Betty Beard, Melvis Norman, Joyce Ducker, Kimberly Bruce, Cindy Daniel, Terry and Anita Mullenix, Betty Surrency, Beth Rainey, Kathryn Stone, Claire Stone, Sheree Dryden, Willard Hogan, Nancy Smith, Jim Turner, Leighton McLendon, Bart Good, Walter Huffman, Bobby Culpepper, Kathy Rawls, Sally Gibbs, Scott Madaus, Rob Adams, Missy Allen, Judy Donnie, Debbie Martin, Erica Crawford, AnnMarie McManus, Mary Bryans, Tracey Chambers, Juliana Palacio, Andy Adams, Rhonda Dowdy, Charissa Jones, Mike Davis, Eleonora Stephenson.
Aiken, Alysaun Buffett, Amy Taylor, Andy Adams, Andy Higgins, Anita Mullenix, AnnMarie McManus, Anthony Sheppard, Barbara Dubois, Bart Good, Beth Rainey, Betty Beard, Betty Surrency, Bill Fulcher, Bobby Culpepper, Bobby Meybohm, Bridle Creek, Charissa Jones, Christine Brawner, Cindy Daniel, Cindy Starnes, Claire Stone, Dale Testino, Debbie Martin, Deborah Funches, Diane Lopardo, Dickie Boardman, Donna Barbour, Doreen McLafferty, Eleonora Stephenson., Erica Crawford, Gayla Moore, Greg HoneyMichael, headshots, Heather Ferrante, Jackie Andrews, Jamie George, Jeanine Leonard, Jenny Samuelson, Jim Turner, Jimmie Stevens, John Chambers, John Corda, Joyce Ducker, Judy Donnie, Judy Johsnon, Juliana Palacio, Karen Abdelhadi, Kathryn Stone, Kathy Huskey, Kathy Rawls, Kay Rennison, Kelly Ireland, Kelly Wiedmeier, Kimberly Bruce, Laura Frantz, Laurie Lein, Leighton McLendon, Leila Hebert, Lewis Lawrence, Lili Youngblood, Linda Diebel, Linda Limehouse, Marcey Marc, Mark Pritchett, Mary Bryans, Mary Pate, Megan Moye, Melvis Norman, Meybohm Realtors, Mike Davis, Mike Hill, Mike Polotty, Missy Allen, Nancy Smith, Nick Greene, Reachel Whitaker, Rebecca Chase, Rebecca Gutierrez, Rebecca Swartmiller, Rebecca Wall, Rhonda Dowdy, Rob Adams, Robert Dixon, Ruth Thomas, Sally Gibbs, Sally Weathers, Scott Madaus, Shelly Hughey, Sheree Dryden, Stephen Barnhart, Tammy Theis, Tara Hill, Teresa Stonehill, Terry and Anita Mullenix, Todd Barnes, Tonya Armstrong, Tracey Chambers, Walter Huffman, Willard Hogan