To all of my wonderful customers, this is just an FYI from Sally. If you see me in the grocery store, and say I want to order pictures, can you give me that one, “you know the one” we took a year ago. That is not an order. If you e-mail me and say I like image 7237 and I think I would love that for my Christmas cards, that is NOT an order. An order happens when two things occur. We have direct contact-whether you purchase the image online or speak one on one with me on the phone. And the second part of this, is that payment is received by my company for your order. Then once the order is placed, it goes into something called the Q. Just because you ordered today, does not move your order up in the line. I work on orders by how they are received by date and time. If you would like to RUSH your order there is a 50% Rush fee, and this must be communicated to Sally. If you were photographed and cannot find your gallery, Call me. If you have questions, call me. If you don’t understand the process, don’t get frustrated, call me. Communication is the solution to all problems, and without that we simply can’t get thru this holiday season together. Happy Holidays. Sally