Today, Michael Frazier held a seminar at First Baptist Church of Augusta, on “Civility at Work”. We are BIG fans of Michael and applaud his desire to improve the workforce in the CSRA! Several things he talked about which were all really great, Being Accountable and doing a good job. How to work and communicate with folks who are born in different generations. Did you know the average work force spans five generations?!!! (Wow, we were all raised different, as a matter of fact in my day, we didn’t even have computers or cell phones, or laptops, imaging that! Keith Jones spoke on how important personal appearance is, and taking care of yourself. They talked a lot about trying new things. And one of my favorite things, failure. That it actually is ok to fail, it’s a good thing. Putting yourself out there and trying is how break thru’s are made. Effort is a mind set! All of us need to Build a Productive and Cohesive Work Environment, by caring about our team. Because as Michael says: “Goal=Polished Performance”! Congratulations to Michael and his team-Grace and Grace who pulled off a beautiful seminar this morning. Thank you!