Lakeside 42, Cross Creek 12


Hey Everybody, well it felt great to have a free Friday night again, which meant I was back on the field photographing my team, the Lakeside Panther’s. We  had a week of rain, and as I treaded across the sidelines to get in position to photograph the ref and I looked at each other and said, “it’s a night for fumbles.”” The field was so wet, muddy and just  so hard to walk on.  So we were all surprised at the beginning of the game, when Derek Russo had a spectaculor touchdown. It was smooth sailing all the way for the Panther’s that is until the fourth quarter. When in disbelief we watched the field turn our shutout into a muddy mess. Pick up the paper and read all about it. All I can say it usually victory’s are happy, and as Coach Jody Groom’s said best at the end of it, why are you all frowning…WE just WON!

IMG_9972 Hey guys…the field was tough, you are all awesome!!!