Hey Everybody….Just when we thought we had seen the prettiest girls from Fox Creek High School walk through the doors of the studio, in walks the beautiful Auburn Smith. Auburn is a varsity cheerleader forfootball and basketball. She is also a registered varsity soccer player. She transferred schools, but still plays on her new team (hence the registered title). Auburn…
Hey Everybody….Our next contestant is Kaley Turner . Her mom Debbie Turner and her nana Marie Cook came for the photo shoot. Marie is originally from Green Lake, which is near Seattle. I had so much fun chatting with her about Washington, because as you all know, I used to live in Bellingham, Washington. We both love Washington State too,…
Hey Everybody…Our next contestant is Summer Herron. On hand to support Summer with her photo shoot was her friend Jordan Wolfgan. Jordan, is a sophomore at USC Aiken. Summer is on the Senior Advisory Board and she is also a member of FFE-Future Farmers of Edgefield. Summer loves working and helping animals, which is what motivated her to do…
Hey Everybody…Our next contestant is Tori St. Clair. Tori is in the tenth grade. She is a cheerleader for football and basketball. She is also a member of Interact. She loves to play powder-puff football and babysit. In her free time she volunteers at the Hammond House Nursing Home in North Augusta. Having been in…
Hey Everybody….Our next contestant is Constance Mays. Constance brought her mother Daphne to the photo shoot. Constance plays basketball. She’s played all different positions on the team and has played for over eight years. Constance is on the honor roll and she loves modeling. She once did an ad for “Girls Inc”. (Girls Inc. inspires girls to…
Hey Everybody…Our next contestant is Meredith Riley. Meredith is a member of the Art Club. This is her first year at Fox Creek High School. Meredith enjoys modeling, and she loves to volunteer at her church. She works with young children in Journey Land. She has played soccer for ten years and has done pageants since…
Hey Everybody…We photographed Lara Campbell at the studio on Wednesday. Lara brought a group of supporters with her that included Lisa Campbell, Cameron Chriswell, Chad Kelly, Brittany Powell, Lindsay Derrick, Josh Allen and Michelle Derrick. Lara calls this group her spiritual family. Lara is currently in the tenth grade and she is a member of the National Honor…
Hey Everybody…It’s January, and you know what that means…. It’s time to play a little basketball indoors. Even though it’s still warm in Georgia (even in January!), we love being indoors for basketball! The YMCA basketball photos are now in the process of being loaded online. Go to www.sallykolar.com and check out the photos of your super…