Lakeside vs Harlem Pictures Now Online

Harlem blogHey everybody, it has been incredibly busy…and I am behind on my blogs and uploading images, that does not mean that I am not out photographing though…just working non stop. Here are finally your images from the Lakeside vs Harlem game, which we WON!!!! Good job guys. And as you all might know it was Chris Hartfields birthday, so I hope you all wished this senior a happy birthday, I’m sure his family was happy, I photographed him making a touchdown, what a night, it was awesome. I was unable to do this weeks game as I had a wedding in Columbus, Georgia, but I was right on the internet checking the late night game scores…and well…a little sad with the news…but I still believe we have awesome talent and we are just going to bounce back next week. I hope all you guys enjoy the photos, and I look forward to photographing with you again soon! Go Lakeside! Sally