The Velasco Family Halloween Session


Hey Everybody, it’s Halloween and I am in the studio today, creating some wild fun with the Velasco Family! They are so into Halloween!!! Their costumes are so cute, and we had a blast. Their kids were amazing. They had multiple adorable outfits and it was hard to choose what to do for the blog, but I loved their family photo and decided to start with that. If you saw them out last night trick or treating I hope you said hi, they were in our neighborhood in Jones Creek, which meant they could have really gotten wet in the terrential rain storm that hit our area, but hopefully they were able to get out and get some candy and keep dry…anyway you look at it, the best part of the day was being able to look back and remember everyone in these cute costumes!!!  Wow…awesome is all I can say- and where were the rest of you??? Do you have cute pictures like this of your family???? I’m not kidding, next year call me. ~Sally


Sally Kolar Photography