Tony’s Senior Pictures

Hey Everybody, take a look at Tony’s football pictures!!! They are so awesome, and he is one of Lakeside’s awesome talented great football players. He is almost ready for football season, I say that because he is leaving Monday to go on a cruise to Mexico before school starts, lucky guy!! Anyway, we had a wonderful fun filled morning together. We met up at the high school, and found out the football field had been locked up by mistake, we were suppossed to do our photos on the field. First, Tony hopped the fence, no problem….well, then me….yea right, it is a six foot fence…and well I got 2/3 of the way up and thought I would die, so I went to the opposite side of the field and found a smaller section to climb, needless to say it was one of those Kodak moments that I am glad no one caught on film. As we started the session, we were BLESSED by Coach Gatti, who came by and unlocked the field for us, thank God, I was a little worried on climbing back out, it was crazy. So we started our photo session and some of Tony’s photo’s are just stunning, here is one of my favorite

and then we went on the field and did a few pictures. It would have been nice to have an assistant today, I was trying to throw the ball for Tony to catch and then focus the camera seconds later, yea right…that didn’t work out so well, then Tony did what I have been begging every senior before him to do…climb the gold post, which he did. His upper body strenth is amazing and we got some cool photos of him up  in the air. Here is a favorite!!

It all was a blast, and Tony’s pictures will be featured in the Lakeside High School football program, which I will be making again this year. I hope you all look forward to the season as much as I do and wish the Panthers best of luck with their new coach, Coach Troxler. If you see Tony around, tell him you love his pixs!!!! Sally